The Issues we Stand For.

What We Believe In.

And Where We Stand.

Ruben McNeill is a dedicated community advocate running for office in Fairbanks District 35.  With time served helping people throughout Alaska in his work, Ruben brings a fresh perspective and commitment to addressing the unique challenges facing Alaskans today.

State Issues

Featured Issues

Fiscal restraint and accountability.

To get Alaska back on track fiscally and the full statutory dividend paid, we need a vibrant private economy and a long term fiscal plan that cuts and caps spending.

Resource Development.

All projects on the table for responsible development. Renewable and nonrenewable. Get the Ambler Rd project back on track and push the Willow project. Expand interior coal generated power through the railbelt to lower the energy costs of all Alaskans.


Build on the successes of the Reads Act. Clear the path for more charter school approvals and support home school programs. Support the public schools and pay the teachers but demand results. Reject CRT/DEI doctrine.

Election Integrity.

Clean the voter rolls. Strengthen voter ID and chain of custody requirements. Outlaw mail in ballots and electronic voting machines. Return to hand counting. Identify election law violations and support prosecution.

Land and Property Rights.

Reform private property rights, specifically involving squatter’s rights and landlord tenant laws

National Issues

Donald Trump MUST be re-elected

Featured Issue

Border security.

Resume the remain in Mexico policy and border wall construction. Fully fund ICE and begin mass deportations across the country. Pursue drug and human traffickers and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Economy and Inflation.

Tax cuts for working families offset by massive government spending cuts. Tougher stand on debt ceiling negotiations.

Reform the DOJ.

Reform the DOJ. Appoint an Attorney General and begin massive firings across the department.

Stabilize our foreign policy.

Stabilize our foreign policy and assert dominance and respect with Iran, Russia, and especially China. Support Israel. Demand accountability on any further Ukraine funds.

Energy Independence.

Open up drilling in the US and coastal areas. Regain our oil independence and focus on getting gas prices down.

Event Calendar

Where to find Ruben Next.